Archive for April 16th, 2011

FACTBOX – Hungary’s new constitution: key points

Following are some of the key changes:

CENTRAL BANK (Article 41)

The law governing the National Bank of Hungary will be elevated from simple majority to a two-third super-majority. The content of much of the new central bank law is not yet known.

The constitution leaves unchanged the six year terms of the governor and two vice-governors of the central bank. The president will appoint all three officials. To date, the governor has had the right to pick his two deputies.

DEBT CEILING (Article 36-37)

The constitution says Hungary’s public debt must not exceed 50 percent of the previous year’s gross domestic product (GDP) except in extraordinary circumstances or a prolonged and significant recession.

As long as debt is above 50 percent of GDP, parliament must run a budget surplus to ensure debt remains on a downwards trajectory. The constitution does not set a deadline for cutting state debt to 50 percent of GDP from 80 percent currently.


The government has reformed the Fiscal Council, which the new constitution gives strong powers to oversee the budget.

It will have a right of veto over the budget, giving it a strong say on fiscal policy. The constitution gives the president the right to dissolve parliament if it fails to pass a budget by the end of March. (Article 3)

read whole article FACTBOX-Hungary’s new constitution: key points | Reuters.