Posts Tagged ‘ drinks ’

Land of cheap food

Poland has the cheapest food and non-alcoholic beverages in the European Union, according to Eurostat data for 2010. The country with the most expensive food is Denmark, followed by Ireland and Finland.

Danish people and tourists visiting Denmark have to spend 39 percent more on food than the EU average. In Poland, food is 36 percent cheaper than the EU average. Prices are higher in Bulgaria and Romania, the most recent members of the European Union—32 percent and 34 percent below the EU average respectively. But Bulgarians have cheaper bread and alcoholic beverages than Poland. Strong alcoholic drinks are also cheaper in Hungary, Spain and Portugal.

The highest vodka prices are in Scandinavian countries—Finns pay 70 percent more than the average EU citizen for strong alcoholic beverages. Britain is the country where it is most advisable to quit smoking, as the price of a packet of cigarettes is 66 percent higher than the EU average. Polish smokers pay slightly over 50 percent of the EU average. In Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Lithuania cigarette prices are even lower.

In its most recent survey on food, beverages and tobacco, Eurostat looked at the prices of around 500 comparable products.

via The Warsaw Voice.